Anne Tomlin, Hassocks milliner
Hassocks Life’s Deirdre Huston drops into Anne Tomlin’s studio to chat about nature, hats and the artistic life…
Photo: Ian Skelton
As we chatted, friendly cocker spaniels wandered in and out and the sun filtered through the window. Anne’s studio was chock-a-block with the rich colours of specimens from the natural world, an array of paint pots and examples of her spectacular, intricate and witty hats.
Anne’s love of making things, fabric and textiles goes back a long way. She learned to sew when she was about six. “My grandma was fantastic at sewing and made Fair Isle jumpers, all the very difficult stuff. She taught me and was my inspiration.”
Growing up in Somerset, Anne lived with her family in a woodman’s cottage on Lord Bath’s Estate. “From a very early age I went badger watching with my father. Glowworms lit up around the edges of the garden and wildflowers grew everywhere. It was here I got my love of nature.” She painted small detailed studies of what she saw. Later the family moved and Anne went to Frome Grammar School where she studied A-level Textiles. “I had the most amazing teachers who were just so enterprising and innovative.”
[Full story in April 2020 issue of Hassocks Life magazine]