bryony mae flowers

5 minutes with... Bryony Mae Torney

Meet Bryony, a local mum who gave up an advertising career to launch her own floristry business in February 2020 and has been busy ever since!

Do you share your home with anyone?
My husband, two children and a cockapoo called Scout.

How long have you lived in Hassocks?
Ten years, the longest I’ve lived anywhere!

What’s the best thing about being here?
The supportive and kind community.

What would you like to see in Hassocks that isn’t here?
A family friendly restaurant or a wine bar.

Favourite film?
The Royal Tenebaums or When Harry met Sally.

Most common New Year’s resolution?
Exercise more often. Every. Single. Year!

Your most enjoyable event in the village?
Light up Hassocks. My kids still love it!

Song you play the most?
Anything from Radio 1, courtesy of my son, often an Ed Sheeran track; a guilty pleasure!

Which app on your phone do you use the most?
Definitely Instagram.

Your most frequented village shop?
I often pop into Indigo for gifts.

What’s your proudest moment?
Launching my business during a global pandemic and spreading a little happiness with weekly flower deliveries during a difficult time.

Last present you received?
A delicious Sugarlips doughnut from a good friend while we were isolating.

Your advice for life?
Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.

If you would like to provide your own answers for 5 Minutes With, simply email them to along with a photo of yourself, or do please encourage a friend to send their answers in!