Stand with Ukraine

Stalls for Ukraine (Hassocks, Sunday 3rd April 2022)

By Rachel BartlettBundy

It's been so depressing and scary listening to this tragedy in Ukraine unfold. One morning I heard about the children who couldn't access their essential cancer treatment, because Putin was bombing the hospitals. That brought me to tears as I know from personal experience how desperate it is to have a child needing cancer treatment. That is a battle enough, and trying unsuccessfully to access it in the middle of a war must be unbearable. 

So I really wanted to do something to help by raising more funds. But I also felt the need to bring inspire some joy and community spirit. Current events are huge and terrifying can so easily make us all feel helpless, isolated and impotent to help - but crucially this is NOT true. We each have the power to stand up to bullies and come together as a community. Hopefully on the 3rd April we will not only de-clutter our houses; purchase useful, fun, beautiful or delicious items from the stalls but also be out on the streets talking to each other and spreading neighbourliness. It's something that Hassocks is brilliant at.

It's free to hold a Stall for Ukraine. Just get in touch with me via the "Stallholders for Ukraine" group on Facebook or on 07747 866457 so I can add you to the Trail Map (see below).

All I am asking is that a minimum of 50% of the money raised is given direct to one of the three main Ukraine appeals - UNICEF, the Red Cross or DEC. Some of the stalls are existing businesses or selling items donated for other charities but due to these unusual circumstances are agreeing to give half to Ukraine. Most stalls will be giving 100%.

If any companies out there would like to match the money raised, please get in touch! 

And likewise if any other villages or towns fancy holding a similar event that would be amazing, I'm happy to share my resources!

Most of all we need customers! Download the Trail Map (see below) and visit as many as you can on Sunday the 3rd April 12-4pm. Give generously - it's really needed. 

#StandupForUkraine #StallsForUkraine