St Francis of Assisi — Find out news and information for Hassocks — Hassocks Life

St Francis of Assisi

Christmas services around Hassocks

Churches of Hassocks Christmas services

Welcome to Hassocks Life’s churches of Hassocks Christmas services event page. Here you will find our most recent information for everything Christmas in our churches.

See also, United Reformed Church, Saint Francis of Assisi, St Edward's RC Church, St Cosmas & St Damian

United Reformed Church

23 Keymer Rd, Hassocks

8th December, 4pm
Christingle service

15th December, 3-4.30pm
Carols Together

22nd December, 3pm
Crib Service

24th Christmas Eve, 6pm
Church Carols by Candlelight

25th Christmas Day, 10am
Christmas service

St Francis of Assisi

Priory Road, Hassocks

24th Christmas Eve, 4pm
Crib service

25th Christmas Day, 9.45am
Family Eucharist

St Edward's RC Church

2 Lodge Ln, Keymer

24th Christmas Eve, 5pm
First Mass of Christmas

25th Christmas Day, 9.30am
BCP Eucharist and Mass

St Cosmas & St Damian

119 Keymer Rd, Keymer

24th Christmas Eve, 6pm
9 Lessons and Carols

24th Christmas Eve, 11.30pm
Midnight Mass

25th Christmas Day, 8am
BCP Holy Communion

St John the Baptist

Underhill Ln, Clayton

25th Christmas Day, 11.15am
BCP Eucharist

Hassocks community supports Kangaroos childrens' charity

By Sue Anson

On the 2nd of July, we had our Jubilee Street party for the Hassocks community, which took place in Friars Oak Road outside of St Francis Church. The garden was a children’s zone with a bouncy castle, craft, and garden games. The church was transformed into a lovely cream tea venue. The main hall was a dedicated area for babies and toddlers. We set up tables in the closed off street, covered in union jack tablecloths and adorned the street with bunting. We had water pistols, hula hoops and skipping ropes for the children as well as some wacky races organised. The raffle, with its great prizes, drew a big crowd. Music was provided by the church band and the local ladies’ choir. There was a fancy-dress competition. We had a BBQ that ran all afternoon, salads, cakes, and puddings galore for people to feast on. Over 400 people attended in the glorious weather.

We didn’t charge but asked people to donate. Because of everyone’s generosity and, after our minimal costs were covered, with so much of what we provided being donated, we managed to raise £1,560 for charity. This is a phenomenal amount and an amazing bonus for a great day. We have chosen Kangaroos this time as our recipient, a local children’s charity who work with disabled young people. We have presented them with a cheque for £780. The other £780 will go towards our parish’s community work such as the food bank, youth work, our Cameo and Hug in a Mug groups. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came and contributed in any way. We can’t wait for the next event!