Makaton signing

Special Makaton signing day at Santa's Grotto, South Downs Nurseries - 4th December 2021

The Budding Foundation’s ever-popular Santa’s Grotto at South Downs Nurseries in Hassocks is pleased to offer a special signing day this year. On Saturday 4th December, the team of Elves will use ‘Makaton’ signing to help children with special needs and hearing difficulties. The Elves volunteering on the day all work at a special needs school and have extensive knowledge of Makaton signs which they use during their day-to-day work with young people.

Clive Gravett from the Budding Foundation says tickets for their Grotto’s at Hassocks and Old Barn Garden Centre, Dial Post are selling fast and those interested should book as soon as possible via the charity’s website: The Budding Foundation has supported many Sussex children and families with grants ranging from £50 for school uniforms to over £5000 to help purchase an all terrain wheelchair. Also helping locally with the Burgess Hill Pantry.