Hassocks VE Day

Hassocks VE Day celebrations cancelled

This year an annual May Day on Friday 8th May 2020 was planned in Adastra Park to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe, with a theme of 1940s. Organiser Michelle Binks cancelled the event last month with a heavy heart saying: “It was the right decision in the light of current government advice and with the movement of people restrictions changing all the time.” Stallholders have been contacted individually. She has no plans to set another date this year but Michelle but looks forward to organising Hassocks May Day in 2021.

DownsFest choir urge home singing

DownsFest Youth Choir has been recruiting enthusiastic young singers to rehearse for the festival but, sadly, all rehearsals are now cancelled. One of the organisers, Emily Hilson, said: “If DownsFest goes ahead in September - fingers crossed we are out the other side by then! - we shall do everything we can to run a few rehearsals and get ourselves up on that stage!”

The situation regarding COVID-19 changes at a rapid pace. The organisers of DownsFest 2020 are working on multiple contingency plans so that, if possible, they may be able to deliver a safe and successful event.

Organiser Michelle Binks explained: “With September being several months away, we are following government advice and will continue to review and augment plans accordingly. We would like to take this opportunity to thank and support all the incredibly hard-working NHS and emergency service staff.”

Meanwhile, Gareth Malone has set up The Great British Home Choir, which aims to give everyone the opportunity to contribute their voices and instruments to an ambitious digital music project which is compatible with social distancing. Register here: www.decca.com/greatbritishhomechorus