Hassock Parish Council would like to keep all residents of Hassocks, Clayton and Keymer, as up to date as possible with the work we are doing for the benefit of the community. The Parish Council is not, as some may presume, a Church entity, but the most local tier of Government!
In this issue we focus on where your Council Tax goes and how much or little of it goes to your Parish Council. Our Tax and Spend Relationship between different tiers of Local Government. Generally speaking the Council Tax that everyone pays goes to four main authorities/agencies:
The first and largest portion is to West Sussex County Council (1st tier of Local Government). It is responsible for Countywide issues.
The second largest portion goes to the Police Service which is funded in part by Council Tax.
The third largest is Mid Sussex District Council. (2nd tier of Local Government) Some of the resonsibilities are listed below:
Collection of Council Tax on behalf of the District
Business & Tourism
Parish and Police Authority
To read the full list of responsibilities for each tiers of Government, please pick up your copy of Hassocks Life and turn to page 8, or click the images provided to enlarge them.