Hassocks Millenium Clock

Hassocks Infant School's Millenium Clock needs repairs

By Erika Woodhurst-Trueman

The clock standing proudly over the Infants School arch was installed at the turn of the millennium by the Hassocks Amenity Association (now Hassocks Community Organisation), funded by donations from the people of Hassocks, local organisations and authorities. It’s a useful, and reassuring sight for all villagers and visitors as they wander (or rush!) through the village. Sadly, after a hefty bill for repairs in 2019, it is now in need of substantial upgrading to keep it running for years to come. The latest work is quoted at approximately £2,158 and you can help here: https://gofund.me/b1c726c0

We would be enormously grateful if you would consider making a contribution to help us keep this well-loved village clock ticking for future generations. Should we exceed our target, any additional funds will be kept aside for future maintenance and repairs. Thank you! Hassocks Infant School and Hassocks Community Organisation.