Hassocks & Keymer Covid-19

Villa Adastra received their Covid vaccines

Residents and staff at Villa Adastra were pleased to have received their Covid vaccinations, which were administered over the course of two days in January.

Head of Care, Sharon Bacon, said: “Mister Wilson and his team were brilliant, and it was a smooth operation.” Resident, Reg Bond was very excited, and said, ‘I am pleased to be doing my bit to hopefully help everyone get back to some kind of normal life in the future.’

The staff too were very excited about getting their vaccines. “I am so proud of all the staff at Villa Adastra for keeping all the residents safe during this pandemic,” says Sharon, “and I know Christine, our Administration Manager will join me in thanking everyone involved. We’ve remained Covid-free, and that has been down to the dedication and hard work of the whole team, who have followed the rules, and often sacrificed their own families, to help keep the residents safe.”

Sharon adds: “For the past ten months, we have not only been carers, but entertainment, friends, and family to the residents. We have hugged them when they have felt upset or scared and held their hands. We have also had lots of fun and laughter.”

Villa Adastra | The Salvation Army

Hassocks volunteers rally round to create support group in light of Covid-19

Call for help in Hassocks and Keymer 01273 040 111

Loretta Major, a local businesswoman, could see there would be a need to support vulnerable members of our community through the Coronavirus Crisis. She has quickly and efficiently set up a community support scheme, Hassocks Volunteers Covid19, and already hundreds of local residents have joined the group on Facebook.

If you have access to Facebook, join the group and, if you need help, you can then reach out with a post. For example, you might want to ask, ‘can anybody pick up my prescription?’ or ‘please could you get me some shopping?’

Through the group, local residents can also volunteer to help. Some local organisations are referring people to Hassocks Volunteers Covid19. It’s important to get news of the group out to as many people as possible. Perhaps you would like to be a helper?

“I’ve already met a lot of fantastic people through this,” said Lorretta. “We at Hassocks Volunteers Covid19 group want to make sure that there isn’t a single person in Hassocks who cannot access community support to help them get through this crisis.”