Commemorative Trees

Pearl's commemorative tree in Adastra Park


Children and parents using the playground in Adastra Park may have noticed the arrival of a new tree recently.

The family of Pearl BartlettBundy - a Hassocks schoolgirl who tragically died just before her 10th birthday from an aggressive form of bone cancer in 2017 – took part in a special ceremony in the village when a tree was planted in her name.

A temporary plaque, which featured a photo of Pearl on one of the rides, said: ‘This tree, planted on 15th December, commemorates what should have been the 14th birthday of our daughter Pearl. She loved coming to this park. Happy birthday Pearl, with love from the BartlettBundy family.’

The family have planted a tree around the village every year since Pearl’s death. “The play park was a really special place for Pearl and her brother Milo and they spent many happy hours there,” Pearl’s mother Rachel said. “This is a winter flowering cherry tree, which has a beautiful pink flower. We’re extremely grateful to the Parish Council for its help – especially Tracy Forte and Cllr Jane Baker and her husband Nick.”

Rachel is already thinking about places for next year’s tree – which she’s happy to take suggestions for!