Baby Loss Awareness Week

Baby Loss Awareness Week

Baby Loss Awareness week is an international initiative which runs from 9th -15th October. The aim of the week is to raise awareness of an unspoken tragedy which affects many families. Babies die, even in the 21st century. In our culture many people find it very difficult to talk about death, and the death of a baby (before or after birth) is an experience which is rarely spoken of.

The circumstances of loss vary widely and include miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, compassionate induction (ending a pregnancy due to very complex medical issues), stillbirth or death after birth (expected or unexpected). Each of these little lives, sometimes described as a “missed beginning”, impacts the life of the family in many ways. Professionals involved can also be deeply affected. The aim of Baby Loss Week is to provide an opportunity for those affected to gain support, to provide (if they wish) an opportunity to speak of their child/children and their experience of loss, and to increase awareness in the community.

As part of this week, a global event takes place at 7pm on 15th October, known as the Wave of Light. Taking place at 7pm local time everywhere, to create a wave of light around the globe, the idea is that you light a candle and leave it burning for at least one hour to remember all babies who have died too soon.

Last year for the first time a public Wave of Light event was held in Keymer. The feedback was that those who attended found it moving and supportive and so it is hoped that this can become an annual event.

The event will be jointly organised by Angie Bowles, a local independent midwife who has a special interest in supporting parents dealing with loss and Father Alex Baxter, Rector for our parish. It will be held at Keymer Church (St Cosmas and St Damian). The event is free of charge and open to those of all faiths and none. Individuals and families will be welcomed who have been directly affected as well as their friends and those involved professionally in various capacities. The Wave of Light event will be an informal event at which those who wish to will have an opportunity to speak their child’s name, but if you prefer you will be able to simply attend and sit quietly and privately. Candles will be provided and will be lit as part of the event.

Of course, this event may be impacted by any change in national guidance about socially distanced gatherings. Currently we can welcome 30 people, and you will be asked to wear a mask. Subject to changing guidance, we hope to be able to invite you to stay for light refreshments and a time to talk.

If you would like to attend or have any questions, please feel welcome to contact Angie on 07974 729566 or via the event information on Facebook