Planned Hassocks Repair Cafe seeks volunteers


HKD Transition is hoping to establish a repair cafe in Hassocks, to coincide with market day each month and taking place at the United Reformed Church. Repair cafés are pop-up events located on regular dates where the local community can get their broken household items repaired for free by volunteers. The types of things fixed include clothes, household electrics, technology, woodwork, children’s toys and furniture.
The idea is not to compete with local businesses or professionals but to fill the gaps where these don’t exist or where the cost of repairs is more than replacing the item. Repair cafes are a way for our communities to help each other move away from our throwaway culture.
To get the repair cafe going we need a team of volunteers who would be interested in participating and lending their repair skills, as well as helpers with the café and with organising and greeting.
Do you have any skills to share and would you be willing to volunteer? If so please email the team at:
You can find out more about how a successful repair cafe works and how it might work for us locally by visiting the Burgess Hill Repair Cafe, which will be starting again on 12th September from 10am-1pm at The Kiln (the former Argos store).