Lockdown Lounge Talks by HKD Transition

Local environmental group HKD Transition have put together a range of talks taking place during the Coronavirus lockdown, that anyone can join in on from their home. They are designed to ‘inform and entertain you during the pandemic when we (HKD) are not able to hold all the activities we had planned’.

The first is on Wednesday (22nd April, 7pm) when Laurie Jackson will talk about climate change and wildlife.

Click images below to go to Event Brite to register for each event.

Climate change and wildlife - 22nd April 2020, 7pm

Climate change and wildlife - 22nd April 2020, 7pm

Recycling during the pandemic - 6th May, 7pm

Recycling during the pandemic - 6th May, 7pm

Herbs and your health - 29th April 2020, 7pm

Herbs and your health - 29th April 2020, 7pm