Hassocks Goes Gold poster competition - 2024

competition winners

By Rachel BartlettBundy

What a wonderful response to the Hassocks Goes Gold poster competition this year! The 2024 theme of Gold Dragons has really captured the imagination of our local artists! Don’t miss all 157 entries displayed in the month-long Parklands Road Street Exhibition in September. The winners and runners-up listed below will all be featured on the shiny Gold poster available to buy from QD, the Hassocks Market and door-to-door from our wonderful volunteers – do let me know if you’d like to help out on your street! Look out for Taylor’s entry on the cover of next month’s Hassocks Life magazine.

• Pre-School Winner: Nell Milton, with Runner-Up: Rocco Gratton
• Hassocks Infants Winner: Quentin Browning, with Runners-Up: Max Leighton Griffiths & Theeran Mohanaraj
• Windmills Junior Winner: Luna Woodbridge, with Runners-Up: Maisie May Smith & Theo Emmett Bloomfield
• Downlands Winner: Taylor Radmall, with Runners-Up: Erin Poat & Dexter Carmichael
• Adult Winner: Kelly Woodbridge

Click to enlarge the image

By Rachel BartlettBundy

Hassocks Goes Gold returns for September 2024, but the fun starts now! This year’s theme is dragons! We are kicking off with the annual drawing competition for the gold poster, open to all ages! Adults included. Who doesn’t love a dragon? Be they f ierce, fire-breathing ferocious beasts jealously guarding their shimmering treasure or their cuter, animated, magical, guardian spirit cousins, there is a dragon to suit every mood!

Draw your very own dragon or colour in the pre-printed one… In September, winners from each age category will receive fabulous prizes, and feature on the Hassocks Goes Gold poster! Plus, all entries will be included in the annual Parklands Road Art Gallery.

Entries must be on official entry forms, available to download on the Hassocks Goes Gold Facebook page, via the village schools or in good old-fashioned printed paper form from QD Stationers! The deadline for entries is Friday the 5th July.

But, of course, it’s never just about the poster! The Sunflower Competition is on right now and, in September, the sponsored trail of Giant Gold Bows will be back, along with the ever-popular daily Facebook auctions, the village market craft, face painting and tombola stalls, as well as the Golden Gala finale extravaganza on Friday the 27th September.

The #PearlPower fund for research to fight childhood cancers stands at nearly £105K. It’s a fantastic achievement and we’re so proud that it has already funded two new research projects, but there is so much more that needs to be done, and so much more awareness that needs to be raised.

September in Hassocks is all about gold, it’s all about raising awareness and research funds for the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group, it’s all about Community Fun and this year it’s all about dragons! Find out more: www.facebook.com/groups/hassocksgoesgold/