Great Big Green Week 2021

Beginning on Saturday 18th September, Great Big Green Week is a national celebration of local action on climate change and HKD Transition have planned lots of activities

• Saturday 18th : Slowing the flow: our community response to flooding in Hassocks – click the picture for information on guided walks.

• Monday 20th : Imagine a Brighter Future for our Community - Hurst rethink event as part of Hurst festival

• Wednesday 22nd : The Air We Breathe, see page 24 of September’s Hassocks Life magazine

• Thursday 24th: Whole house energy retrofit event joint with Fairer World Lindfield - details will be updated on the Fairer World Lindfield Facebook page

• Saturday 25th: Hassocks Repair café opens, a fitting finale for HKD Transition’s Great Big Green Week, see here.
Find out more at