Friends of Windmills School needs Hassocks' community spirit to step forward!

Things are beginning to bounce back after Coronavirus restrictions put paid to almost all our fundraising events in 2020. Friends of Windmills School (FoWS) held a hugely successful Easter raffle: parents and local businesses were very generous. This was organised by a team of just three parents, all of whom find time to help FoWS alongside their own full-time jobs.

Our Secretary is leaving at the end of this school year, which will leave only two committee members. This means legally, as we are a registered charity, if we cannot fill the vacant Secretary post, FoWS will have to cease. This would be a significant loss for the school and the children that we benefit.

Whilst we have one ‘official’ post to fill, we would also like to increase the number of parents or carers who get involved, help occasionally, and attend committee meetings. We believe that there must be other parents/carers who have good organisational skills, can work as a team and bring some new ideas to the table. In these times of under-funded schools, particularly in West Sussex, you really will make a difference to your child’s education and that of every child, as all money raised goes towards enriching their experience at The Windmills Junior School.

The village of Hassocks has always punched well above its weight when it comes to kindness and community spirit and this is why we are asking community-minded parents and grandparents, who are willing to roll up their sleeves and pitch in, to get in touch with us now! Please email your contact details to if you can help us keep FoWS going.