Friends near, but so far


For ten long weeks people in Hassocks waited patiently through lockdown, staying at home while worrying about family and friends elsewhere. Photographer Steve Lewis, missing his friends but unable to visit because of the virus, took this photo-series of Hassocks families through their windows. “The windows symbolise the way we have all been separated from our friends and families,” Steve said. “The glass kept us physically safe, but emotionally and socially isolated.” Steve lived in Hassocks for 20 years and still lives locally. “Since my children grew up in the village I know people all over the village. The photos brought a few minutes of connection between us even though we couldn’t touch. “Taking the photos was also a reflection of lockdown itself, in that I had time to do this and focus on it. In our normal busy lives I wouldn’t have had time for this, and my friends would probably have been too busy to take part. Coronavirus did bring us some benefits, the chance to slow down.”

See more photos from this series on Steve’s Instagram: @Owstonlewis