Adastra Hall and the history and community that built what it is today

Janet Bell throws light on the past, present and future of this community focal point.

Photo by Deirdre Huston

Photo by Deirdre Huston

Adastra Hall is owned by registered charity, Hassocks Community Association, with its day-to-day management delegated to a committee of volunteers. Several of the original cohort of visionaries who were involved with the task of raising funds, and commissioning the building which is still in existence today, remain active on the committee, although one can’t be surprised that they feel ready to hand the baton on. Val Purdew, now the Chair of Hassocks Community Association, and an active member of the committee, is retiring from her role at our AGM. She was heavily involved in all the initial fundraising, as was Stella Jenner, the Treasurer who still has an eagle-eyed overview of our finances. I asked Stella for anecdotes about the early days - and what a mine of information she is…

The original motivators were a local couple, Dick and Bett Hall. Hoping to replace the wooden hut in the park that was then serving as a community space, they got elected to the Parish Council (who own and manage Adastra Park) to make their case. In 1976, a first public meeting was called and Mr B. Hewer, a representative of Hurstpierpoint Village Hall, came to talk about how our neighbouring village had achieved their smart new building. That got the ball rolling and so began ten years of community effort to raise funds. Hassocks Community Association was registered with the Charity Commission and an executive committee was formed.

Local professionals, an architect and a solicitor in particular, gave the benefit of their skills and contacts. A couple of local councillors were also very supportive, and able to offer guidance about government grants. There was still a need for significant funds to be raised by the good people of Hassocks and it was important that there was local buy-in. I don’t imagine you could have lived in Hassocks at the time and not known there was a campaign on to replace the village hall!

Pick up a March issue of Hassocks Life to read how the community came together to fundraise for their adored Adastra Hall. Also, more amazing old photos.

If anyone has a bit of time to spare and thinks they can offer anything to the committee, we would love to hear from you!
To find out more, see: or contact Janet: 01273 842527 /